7 Simple Tips To Create Your Perfect Home Office Environment

7 Simple Tips To Create Your Perfect Home Office Environment

It’s very likely that working from home is not going to be a temporary solution to a Covid 19 problem, as we emerge from the pandemic more and more people will continue to work from home partially or fully.

So, why not take a moment to make sure your home working environment is not just productive, but also inspiring and healthy.

Here are our 7 simple tips to creating your perfect home office environment.

1. Keep Your Work Separate

Keeping your work and leisure space separate is critical to not going bananas. If you have a spare room to turn into an office space, great, if not, then even just dividing part of another room, or just part of a dining table to give you a dedicated space. Most important - keep your home office space as far away from your bed as possible.

2.Get Some Greenery

Don’t underestimate the value of having one or two living things nearby, and plants are perfect companion. Not only are they easy to look after, they are good for your health, reducing stress and boosting your mood.  Pop one on your desk because they are also good for concentration and productivity.

3. Bright and Bold Colours

Purple for imagination, blue for productivity, and yellow for emotion and creativity – try and find the colours that you need and bring them into your working environment. And that doesn’t mean you have to paint an entire room, even just a picture, a painting or some creative lighting can help to create the desired results. We have designed some bright and bold working from home desks that could also do the trick.

4. Music

It’s not every day you can blast out your favourite tunes while at work, so make the most of it in your home office environment. Some say classical music is the best for concentration, others say nature sounds or even white noise. We say, find what works best for you, get the speakers out and enjoy the vibes.

5. Stand and Stretch

A lot of people are finding that they actually move around less when working at home then they might in an office environment. No trips to the coffee machine, or a quick chat with a colleague. So, try and ensure you get up and about every so often, and if you can, create some sort of standing desk, so you can spend a good chunk of time upright and stretching while at work.

6. Natural Light

Improves mood, concentration and productivity and ideally if you have a window it means you can get a regular dose of fresh air to clear the mind (and refresh the air in the room).

7. Furniture

Finally, if you don’t have the right furniture, maybe it’s time to invest in a proper work from home desk, some drawers to store files and a bookcase to hold other important items. If you really want to push the boat out and create the perfect backdrop for your next zoom call, why not commission your very own bespoke home office setup, home library or fitted bookcase?

Good luck, and we hope these tips will help you create your perfect home office environment.

woodfashioners ltd is a family run organisation of makers that specialise in building bespoke furniture for your home and office. If you have an idea for a stylish desk, a fitted bookcase, a home library or study, get in touch and we can help bring it to life.

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